Thursday, 29 August 2019

Things to Know before Buying Silk Screen Printing Machine Online

In the past few years, cutting-edge advancements in printing technology have changed the printing sector massively. T-shirt printing has now become very easy and fast. It is because most of the agencies that produce tees using printers and silkscreens have moved away from the conventional method to digital printing technology. But the use of silk screen machine for printing is still common in commercial and industrial printing processes. And it is clear that it will stay as the most dominant mass imaging technology for many years.

Thanks to the versatility and cost-effectiveness. Today you will find tons of agencies that offer high-end screen printing machines for sale and affordable silk screen printing packages. They usually come in three types - Manual (also known as Handbench), Semi-Automatic, and Fully Automatic. But the use of automatic silk screen machine is a good idea since it allows users to create tons of t-shirts effectively in no time and with minimal effort.

Screen Printing Process

The screen printing process involves producing a screen and using it as a stencil for applying layers laden with ink on the surface to be printed. In this process, you need to buy a screen printingmachine online and different screens for printing different colors. Screen printing is a good option for designs that require a high level of vitality when printing on dark background or product.

Just note that dye color in screen printing gear is applied thicker in comparison to digital printing. This leads to brighter shades, even in dark shades. There are also different terms used for a similar method. Earlier, this process is known as screen printing or silkscreen printing since silk was used in the designing process. This method is also known as serigraphy or serigraph printing. Today synthetic threads are mainly used in screen printing, and the most famous mesh is polyester.

Benefits of Screen Printing Machine

The whole process of transferring every color via silk screen machine provides products long-lasting and vibrant colors.

Affordable Process for Bulk Orders

Screen printing method needs the fabrication of silkscreen for every color used in the design; it is great for big orders. It means that more order, more cost-effective, will be the cost per unit.

Easy and Quick Printing on Specified Regions

Screen printing is an automatic process that does not change if it’s performed manually or using an automatic screen printing machine. It means this method is tough to replace with new technologies.

Durable Prints and Offers Clear Edges to Image Printing

Due to the composition and thickness of inks used by the screen printing machine, designs made using this method withstand more stress than others without compromising on print quality.

Produce More Vivid Colors of High-quality

Silk screen machine produces vibrant colors that are tough to copy by other printing methods. Also, a greater thickness of ink than other techniques creates an awesome finish.

No Limited Colors
One of the biggest disadvantages of digital printing is that there are limited colors. However, screen printing supplies use pure colors and also offer a broad range of printable fabrics (like wood, glass, textiles, etc.)


Screen printing can be performed on any material (cotton, polyester, Teflon, nylon, etc.) as long as the surface is flat, wood, fabric, plastic, and even metal.

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